Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An Unforgettable Memory From WwF...

Every single time when I'm in a game on WwF, I always never fail to remember the times where I would purposely try to keep the tiles of the letters to her name and try to keep it as long as possible while in a game wid her. In other words, I'm only using 2 tiles out of the 7 tiles to play the game and indirectly giving her chance? Coincidentally, I had the letters to her name 4 games in a row where I would rearrange it to form her name and I'm happy about it the whole entire time... Taking turns to 'beat' one another in the game, the chats in WwF and the sad Emoji smileys whenever I score big points are one of those unforgettable memories embedded within me. Not forgetting a time where I nearly dropped my phone bcoz she scored a 57pts with the first word on the board when she started a game wid me. It's was a waste that I didn't manage to screen shot that moment.....

_ _ _, _ _ _, _ _ _, _ _ _
(The 1st three letters of our name since FB)


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